
Near Field Communication 近场通信

2014年10月24日 11:54 来源于 财新网
在不久的将来,我们也许在商店里刷刷手机就可以结账了。在钥匙,钱包,手机,一个都不能少的生活里,我们甚至可以都不用带钱包了。刷手机进行支付离我们并不遥远。虽然近年来,中国移动对这项业务的推进并不是很顺利,但最近发布的新款iPhone 以及其Apple Pay功能却让近场通讯支付再次成为焦点。而传闻中苹果与银联的合作,更让这项服务对国内用户指日可待。

Near Field Communication 近场通信

Near Field Communication, or NFC for short, is a short-range radio frequency technology. The technology requires a chip to be installed in mobile devices so data can be exchanged with the reader. The technology is widely used for various mobile payment services, such as in commuter cards for public transport. On September 9, U.S. tech company Apple unveiled its new line of smartphones – the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus – with a payment option linked to the devices called Apple Pay that uses NFC technology. Users can make payments by just holding their phones near a point-of-sale (POS) reader. The U.S. company’s launch of so-called mobile wallet services on its devices is expected increase the adoption of cashless payments using NFC among Chinese companies.



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