
Democratic Life Meeting 民主生活会

2014年07月11日 13:04 来源于 财新网
副省长批评省长不尊重下属,省宣传部长指出春晚花太多钱请明星,市委书记承认爱坐豪车,有人自我批评到动情处甚至几度哽咽……别惊讶,这还只是党员干部民主生活会的冰山一角。民主生活会到底是什么?本期 Buzzword为你解读中国特色的民主生活。

Democratic Life Meeting 民主生活会

A “democratic life meeting” is a regular activity of the Communist Party. At the meetings, cadres criticize their performance and speak honestly about faults they see in others, regardless of official rank. Typical mistakes officials admitted to include “enjoying a luxurious lifestyle” or “paying little attention to thorny social issues.” Democratic life meetings are almost as old as the party itself. The first was held in 1929, eight years after the founding of the party, and the events were institutionalized in 1962. These types of meetings are being held at all levels of government amid a party campaign to reinforce correct ideology. Party general secretary Xi Jinping has encouraged officials to continue using this approach to find problems in their attitudes and get closer to the people.

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